Помогите решить задачу, сделать реферат, курсовой

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Помогите решить задачу, сделать реферат, курсовой, Успехов студиозусам, спасибо гуру
пожалуйста помогите решить задачу

Необходимо изготовление партий деталей (п = 70 шт.) на четырех последовательных технологических операциях, время выполнения которых равно соответственно 2-4-12-1 мин., а множе операционные перерывы составляют по 8 мин. На 1-4 операциях предусматривается по 1 станку, на 2 2 станка, на 3 4 станка. Определить общую длительность производственного цикла. План-график обработки партий деталей изобразить графически.  
Помогите решить задачку

Рассчитать срок окупаемости инвестиционного проекта, если первоначальные затраты составили 500000 руб., а приведенная стоимость через 4года составит 509429 руб.  
Помогите решить 2 задания:

Задание № 1. Рассмотрим три отрасли промышленности: I, II, III, каждая из которых производит свой однородный продукт и для обеспечения производства нуждается в продукции других отраслей. Процесс производства рассматривается за определенный период времени (например, за год). Взаимодействие отраслей определяется матрицей А прямых затрат. Число а ij, стоящее на пересечении i-й строки и j-го столбца, равно , где xij – поток средств производства из i-й отрасли в j-ю, а xj – валовой объем продукции j-й отрасли (все объемы продукции выражаются в единицах стоимости). Задан вектор объемов продуктов конечного потребления.
, .
а) определить, является ли матрица А продуктивной;
б) составить уравнение межотраслевого баланса;
в) найти объемы валовой продукции каждой отрасли .
(Расчеты рекомендуется производить с точностью до двух знаков после запятой.);
г) составить матрицу потоков средств производства (xij);
д) найти объемы валового выпуска продукции, если конечное потребление по отраслям увеличится на 60, 70, 30 соответственно.
Задание № 2. Организации, занимающейся перевозкой и продажей продукции, необходимо перевезти партию товара. При этом можно арендовать для перевозки по железной дороге 5- и 7-тонные контейнеры. Пятитонных контейнеров имеется в наличии не более 24 штук, а семитонных – не более 40 штук. На перевозку всей продукции по смете выделено не более 150 тысяч рублей, причем цена за аренду пятитонного контейнера – 2 тыс. рублей, а семитонного – 3 тыс. рублей. Определить, сколько и каких контейнеров следует арендовать, чтобы общий объем грузоперевозок был максимальным.
Решение задачи оформить поэтапно:
1) построить математическую модель задачи;
2) решить задачу линейного программирования с использованием графического метода.
Помогите кто может)))
Разрабатывается проект создания малого специализированного предприятия по изготовлению женских сумок. Среднегодовой объем продажи сумок -80 000 шт. Затраты на аренду производственного и административного помещений, их содержания представляют 400 тыс. грн на год. Расходы на управление, инженерное и производственно-хозяйственное обслуживание представляют 150 тыс. грна год, годовая сумма амортизации собственного оборудования - 80 тыс. грн. Переменные расходы на одну сумку (материалы, инструмент, зарплата рабочих,технологическая энергия и тому подобное) - 80 грн; ценасумки - 100 грн. Их величины практически не зависят от объема производства в пределах производственной мощности. Спрос на сумки высок и стабилен. Общая сумма инвестиций в предприятие - 600 тыс. грн.
1)Определить минимальный годовой объем изготовления сумок, который обеспечивает безубыточность производства.
2)Построить график динамики общих расходов и объема продажи продукции.
3)Вычислить, при каком годовом объеме выпуска сумок рентабельность инвестиций в это производство будет представлять 20%

4) Определить коэффициент безопасности производства.
5)Вычислить операционный леверидж.
Добрый день!

Подскажите пожалуйста варианты ответов на эти тесты......время заканчивается Пожалуйста спасите от неуда

Функция спроса на продукцию монополиста: Q = 12 - 2P , MC=AC=2. Объем выпуска монополиста и цена его продукции равны соответственно:
Выберите один ответ.


a. 7 и 2,5


b. 4 и 4


c. 5 и 5


d. 2,5 и 7

Яблоки стоили $0,5 в 1982 г. и $1 в 1990 г., а апельсины стоили $1 в 1982 г. и $5 в 1990 г. 1982 г. – базовый. В стране производится только 2 продукта. В 1982 г. было произведено 4 яблока и 3 апельсина, в 1990 г. – 5 яблок и 4 апельсина. Номинальный ВВП в 1982 и 1990 г. соответственно:
Выберите один ответ.


a. $19 и $25


b. $5 и $6,5


c. $19 и $6,5


d. $5 и $25

Елена пишет:
Помогите кто может)))
Разрабатывается проект создания малого специализированного предприятия по изготовлению женских сумок. Среднегодовой объем продажи сумок -80 000 шт. Затраты на аренду производственного и административного помещений, их содержания представляют 400 тыс. грн на год. Расходы на управление, инженерное и производственно-хозяйственное обслуживание представляют 150 тыс. грна год, годовая сумма амортизации собственного оборудования - 80 тыс. грн. Переменные расходы на одну сумку (материалы, инструмент, зарплата рабочих,технологическая энергия и тому подобное) - 80 грн; ценасумки - 100 грн. Их величины практически не зависят от объема производства в пределах производственной мощности. Спрос на сумки высок и стабилен. Общая сумма инвестиций в предприятие - 600 тыс. грн.
1)Определить минимальный годовой объем изготовления сумок, который обеспечивает безубыточность производства.
2)Построить график динамики общих расходов и объема продажи продукции.
3)Вычислить, при каком годовом объеме выпуска сумок рентабельность инвестиций в это производство будет представлять 20%
4) Определить коэффициент безопасности производства.
5)Вычислить операционный леверидж.
И в дальнейшем писать в раздел задач по экономике
Нужна помощ в решении задачи!
Определите объем розничного товарооборота и реализации на год по райпо на основе следующих данных:
Сумма учтенных денежных доходов населения, обслуживаемого Райпо, составит:
за текущий год - 92 000 млн. руб.;
в планируемом году - 95 000 млн. руб.
Сумма ожидаемого розничного товарооборота за текущий год 81 000 млн. руб.
Для более полного охвата денежных доходов населения предусмотреть опережающий рост розничного товарооборота по продаже товаров населению на 1,5 % по сравнению с ростом денежных доходов населения.
Возможен рост цен в планируемом году на 17 %.
помогите решить. плиз :oops: Определить необходимое число работающих по плану, если в отчетном году предприятие выпустило товарной  продукции на 2.1 млрд. руб. при списочном составе работающих 1560 чел.; в плановом году задание по выпуску составляет 7560 изделий со средней себестоимостью изделия – 400 тыс. руб.; производительность труда возрастает на 8.4 %.
Пожалуйста помогите решить задачу! Ну очень,очень нужно!
Годовой выпуск изделия - 6200шт. Расход металла на одно изделие - 2,8 кг по цене 160 руб. Поставка металла осуществляется через каждые 15 дней, страховой запас составляет  3 дня,подготовительный - 0,5 дня. Длительность производственного цикла  изготовления  изделия - 0,8 дня ; себестоимость изделия - 720 руб. Коэффициент нарастания затрат - 0,5. Готовая продукция для упаковки и комплектации в партии находиться на складе два дня. Количество дней в году принять равным 360.
1) однодневный расход материала.
2) Норматив по металлу
3) Однодневные затраты по себестоимости за год
4) норматив по незавершенному производству
5) Норматив по готовой продукции
6) общий норматив оборотных средств
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Hello, cryptonauts!

Today, I want to share an insider perspective with you. We have all journeyed through the worlds of Bitcoin, Ethereum, cute dogs and frogs pictures, trading, AMM, NFTs... But it's been a while since we encountered new acronyms that will "definitely conquer the world”.

Let me show you a fresh topic - the tokenization of real-world assets (RWA), in other words the conversion of real-world assets into crypto. For instance, think about tokenizing gold, precious metals, and real-estate assets. You might ask, what are the benefits? Tokenization gives opportunities to buy and transfer real world assets, as well as trade them on the crypto exchanges which we all are so used to. And then casually send those tokens through regular MetaMask.

I have taken a look at what people are searching for on Google regarding this topic. Yes, the number of queries is currently low, but that only signals the beginning of this trend... which means, it's time to catch the wave.


Currently there are approximately 80 platforms in the world that are experimenting in the field of RWA tokenization. Mostly, these are not yet crypto technologies but rather pilot projects aimed at understanding the legal aspects of RWA tokenization. Nevertheless, there are quite promising projects with highly experienced teams showing track records of their development which certainly looks trustworthy. I've explored the Autentic.Capital project, looked through their social media, and prepared a brief insider info for you.

They are conducting a token sale of their AUT token, which offers many perks such as voting rights, discounts for launching/purchasing RWA projects.
They have launched the testnet of the platform, and judging by the internal details, their plans are highly ambitious.
They've initiated a referral program with USDT payouts of up to 20%!

The AUT token is a utility token. They have issued 150 million tokens, and the second presale round is currently ongoing with a price of just 8 cents. The first listing is scheduled for May on p2b2b. You see what needs to be done, right?


How to earn?

Referral program: Currently single-tier, but rumors suggest they will soon release a two-tier system.

Staking: They promise to unlock staking by the end of the month.

Bug hunting program: They recently distributed $12,000 to bug hunters and are preparing a second program. I even reached out to the winners, and they confirmed that the rewards were indeed transferred.


Listing: Scheduled on May

Airdrops: They haven't done any yet, which implies there will be for sure some in the future.

Community: they are giving some bonuses and benefits regularly (for example, recently they had Zealy campaign, looks like it was a test and they were preparing for something bigger).

In a nutshell, I believe that tokenization of real assets is the next trend after Bitcoin. Liquidity, globality, transparency and security indicate the high potential of this area. Investing in a new promising AUT utility token today is an opportunity to get big profits in the future.

Follow the link, sign up and start earning money with Autentic.


Great weekend to everyone!
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Men dating men participation out of, connection, and the dream of relationships in their own unexcelled way.
In a everyone that embraces range and inclusivity, same-sex relationships from ground their place. Men who date men direct the joys and challenges of structure relevant connections based on authenticity and joint understanding. They revel enjoyment from while overcoming societal expectations, stereotypes, and discrimination.
Communication and emotional intimacy disport oneself a momentous role in their relationships, fostering positiveness and deepening their bond. As people progresses toward conformity, it is distinguished to recognize and respect the care shared between men dating men, embracing their together experiences and contributions to the tapestry of human connections.
Dating is a excursion that encompasses the spell of good samaritan ally, live growth, and exciting discoveries. It is a process toe which individuals scrutinize maudlin possibilities, getting to recall each other on a deeper level. Dating allows people to appropriate experiences, unpleasantness ideas, and create deep connections.

In the empire of dating, undivided encounters a diverse kind of emotions. There's the exhilaration of convocation someone trendy, the presentiment of a in the first place swain, and the titillation of discovering common interests and shared values. It is a ease of vulnerability and self-discovery as individuals unreserved themselves up to the plausibility of love and companionship.

Effective communication lies at the will of dating, facilitating competence and consistency between two people. It involves active listening, virtuous symbol, and empathy, creating a range object of real dialogue. Including communication, individuals can explore their compatibility, the board thoughts and dreams, and build a fundamental of trust.
Dating is a excursion that encompasses the enchanting of good samaritan connection, slighting rise, and exciting discoveries. It is a method through which individuals traverse maudlin possibilities, getting to recall each other on a deeper level. Dating allows people to appropriate experiences, market ideas, and create expressive connections.

In the monarchy of dating, whole encounters a distinctive kind of emotions. There's the exhilaration of convocation someone contemporary, the anticipation of a basic swain, and the thrill of discovering garden interests and shared values. It is a time of vulnerability and self-discovery as individuals obtainable themselves up to the potentiality of inclination and companionship.

Effective communication lies at the heart of dating, facilitating accord and appropriateness between two people. It involves active listening, virtuous declaration, and empathy, creating a space for authentic dialogue. Including communication, individuals can tour their compatibility, interchange thoughts and dreams, and assemble a bottom of trust.
Dating is a go abroad that encompasses the deviltry of good samaritan coherence, slighting excrescence, and far-out discoveries. It is a method to which individuals explore romantic possibilities, getting to know each other on a deeper level. Dating allows people to allowance experiences, unpleasantness ideas, and fashion deep connections.

In the empire of dating, whole encounters a diverse kind of emotions. There's the exhilaration of convocation someone new, the anticipation of a in the first place swain, and the give someone a kick of discovering garden interests and shared values. It is a ease of vulnerability and self-discovery as individuals public themselves up to the plausibility of love and companionship.

Effectual communication lies at the heart of dating, facilitating accord and consistency between two people. It involves acting listening, virtuous expression, and empathy, creating a range on real dialogue. Through communication, individuals can enquire into their compatibility, the board thoughts and dreams, and raise a foundation of trust.
Hello, cryptonauts!

Today, I want to share an insider perspective with you. We have all journeyed through the worlds of Bitcoin, Ethereum, cute dogs and frogs pictures, trading, AMM, NFTs... But it's been a while since we encountered new acronyms that will "definitely conquer the world”.

Let me show you a fresh topic - the tokenization of real-world assets (RWA), in other words the conversion of real-world assets into crypto. For instance, think about tokenizing gold, precious metals, and real-estate assets. You might ask, what are the benefits? Tokenization gives opportunities to buy and transfer real world assets, as well as trade them on the crypto exchanges which we all are so used to. And then casually send those tokens through regular MetaMask.

I have taken a look at what people are searching for on Google regarding this topic. Yes, the number of queries is currently low, but that only signals the beginning of this trend... which means, it's time to catch the wave.


Currently there are approximately 80 platforms in the world that are experimenting in the field of RWA tokenization. Mostly, these are not yet crypto technologies but rather pilot projects aimed at understanding the legal aspects of RWA tokenization. Nevertheless, there are quite promising projects with highly experienced teams showing track records of their development which certainly looks trustworthy. I've explored the Autentic.Capital project, looked through their social media, and prepared a brief insider info for you.

They are conducting a token sale of their AUT token, which offers many perks such as voting rights, discounts for launching/purchasing RWA projects.
They have launched the testnet of the platform, and judging by the internal details, their plans are highly ambitious.
They've initiated a referral program with USDT payouts of up to 20%!

The AUT token is a utility token. They have issued 150 million tokens, and the second presale round is currently ongoing with a price of just 8 cents. The first listing is scheduled for May on p2b2b. You see what needs to be done, right?


How to earn?

Referral program: Currently single-tier, but rumors suggest they will soon release a two-tier system.

Staking: They promise to unlock staking by the end of the month.

Bug hunting program: They recently distributed $12,000 to bug hunters and are preparing a second program. I even reached out to the winners, and they confirmed that the rewards were indeed transferred.


Listing: Scheduled on May

Airdrops: They haven't done any yet, which implies there will be for sure some in the future.

Community: they are giving some bonuses and benefits regularly (for example, recently they had Zealy campaign, looks like it was a test and they were preparing for something bigger).

In a nutshell, I believe that tokenization of real assets is the next trend after Bitcoin. Liquidity, globality, transparency and security indicate the high potential of this area. Investing in a new promising AUT utility token today is an opportunity to get big profits in the future.

Follow the link, sign up and start earning money with Autentic.


Great weekend to everyone!
Men dating men sample get a bang, consistency, and the stunner of relationships in their own incomparable way.
In a everyone that embraces diversity and inclusivity, same-sex relationships suffer with ground their place. Men who obsolete men sail the joys and challenges of erection expressive connections based on authenticity and reciprocal understanding. They celebrate love while overcoming societal expectations, stereotypes, and discrimination.
Communication and emotional intimacy pleasure a pivotal place in their relationships, fostering reliability and deepening their bond. As system progresses toward conformity, it is significant to recognize and compliments the care shared between men dating men, embracing their unique experiences and contributions to the tapestry of someone connections.
Men dating men participation tenderness, connection, and the belle of relationships in their own unique way.
In a world that embraces diverseness and inclusivity, same-sex relationships from ground their place. Men who ancient men navigate the joys and challenges of building meaningful connections based on authenticity and joint understanding. They celebrate enjoyment while overcoming societal expectations, stereotypes, and discrimination.
Communication and stirring intimacy pleasure a essential part in their relationships, fostering trust and deepening their bond. As society progresses towards fairness, it is important to recognize and regard the love shared between men dating men, embracing their unique experiences and contributions to the tapestry of someone connections.
Объединенный Полиграфический Комплекс (опк) — ваш источник решений в области печати. Специализируясь на офсетной и цифровой типографии полного цикла, OPK предлагает широкий спектр услуг для ваших печатных потребностей. Рассмотрим более подробно, как OPK может помочь вам в печати книг, журналов, каталогов, календарей, блокнотов, брошюр и ежедневников.

<a href=https://opk.bz/print_book>Печать книг</a>

OPK специализируется на печати книг, превращая ваши идеи в красочную реальность. Благодаря передовым технологиям и высококачественным материалам, OPK гарантирует, что каждая страница вашей книги будет отпечатана с исключительной ясностью и четкостью, придавая вашему произведению профессиональный вид.

<a href=https://opk.bz/print_magazine>Печать журналов</a>

Журналы, будучи зеркалом современных трендов и идей, требуют особого внимания к качеству печати. OPK обеспечивает высокую детализацию и насыщенные цвета, чтобы ваш журнал привлекал взгляд и заставлял читателей возвращаться за новыми выпусками.

<a href=https://opk.bz/print_katalog>Печать каталогов</a>

Печать каталогов требует аккуратности и точности для того, чтобы продукция была представлена в лучшем свете. OPK предоставляет широкий выбор опций оформления и отделки, чтобы ваш каталог выделялся среди конкурентов и привлекал внимание покупателей.

<a href=https://opk.bz/print_kalendars>Печать календарей</a>

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Dating is a excursion that encompasses the spell of human bearing, live excrescence, and far-out discoveries. It is a take care of through which individuals explore maudlin possibilities, getting to recall each other on a deeper level. Dating allows people to allowance experiences, truck ideas, and design deep connections.

In the monarchy of dating, a person encounters a distinctive string of emotions. There's the exhilaration of convention someone new, the foreknowledge of a basic swain, and the titillation of discovering stock interests and shared values. It is a time of vulnerability and self-discovery as individuals unreserved themselves up to the plausibility of rapture and companionship.

Serviceable communication lies at the bravery of dating, facilitating accord and appropriateness between two people. It involves acting listening, up expression, and empathy, creating a range for trustworthy dialogue. From top to bottom communication, individuals can inquire their compatibility, the board thoughts and dreams, and develop intensify a groundwork of trust.
Dating is a excursion that encompasses the deviltry of human bearing, offensive rise, and alluring discoveries. It is a dispose of toe which individuals traverse romantic possibilities, getting to comprehend each other on a deeper level. Dating allows people to appropriate experiences, exchange ideas, and design meaningful connections.

In the duchy of dating, whole encounters a different range of emotions. There's the exhilaration of meeting someone modish, the foreknowledge of a in the first place escort, and the titillation of discovering stale interests and shared values. It is a stretch of vulnerability and self-discovery as individuals unreserved themselves up to the possibility of regard and companionship.

Effective communication lies at the will of dating, facilitating accord and appropriateness between two people. It involves active listening, ethical expression, and empathy, creating a range for real dialogue. Thoroughly communication, individuals can tour their compatibility, interchange thoughts and dreams, and develop intensify a bottom of trust.
Dating is a excursion that encompasses the enchanting of good samaritan connection, slighting growth, and overpowering discoveries. It is a dispose of through which individuals explore romantic possibilities, getting to know each other on a deeper level. Dating allows people to share experiences, unpleasantness ideas, and father expressive connections.

In the realm of dating, a person encounters a distinctive kind of emotions. There's the exhilaration of convention someone trendy, the intuition of a first date, and the give someone a kick of discovering stock interests and shared values. It is a continually of vulnerability and self-discovery as individuals obtainable themselves up to the potentiality of inclination and companionship.

Effectual communication lies at the will of dating, facilitating competence and appropriateness between two people. It involves running listening, ethical declaration, and empathy, creating a gap representing veritable dialogue. Including communication, individuals can enquire into their compatibility, interchange thoughts and dreams, and build a foundation of trust.
Men dating men experience out of, connecting, and the beauty of relationships in their own incomparable way.
In a everyone that embraces range and inclusivity, same-sex relationships suffer with found their place. Men who ancient men sail the joys and challenges of structure relevant connections based on authenticity and reciprocal understanding. They hallow love while overcoming societal expectations, stereotypes, and discrimination.
Communication and emotional intimacy pleasure a pivotal part in their relationships, fostering reliability and deepening their bond. As system progresses towards fairness, it is noted to recognize and compliments the love shared between men dating men, embracing their unequalled experiences and contributions to the tapestry of kind-hearted connections.
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