The Impact of Alcohol and Drugs on Human Personality
Frequent and prolonged use of alcohol or drugs leads to the development of first psychological and then physical dependence on them. Alcohol and drugs
are poisons, and their use is accompanied by significant pathological changes in all organs and systems.
Impact on the Brain
The brain is highly sensitive to alcohol. Just 7-8 grams of alcohol can disrupt the functions of the central nervous system and psyche. A person loses control
over their actions and words, and their perception of events becomes distorted. Alcohol destroys a large number of nerve cells. The blood vessels in the
brain also change; their walls become inelastic, leading to sclerosis. The functioning of the cerebellum is impaired, resulting in decreased coordination
of movements. Chronic alcoholics experience a significant decline in cognitive abilities.
Impact of Drugs
During drug-induced euphoria, the perception of time and space is distorted, attention is disrupted, the sequence of thinking is impaired, and mental
reactions deteriorate. Drugs cause strong dependence, leading to personality degradation and the destruction of social connections.
Personality Changes
The use of alcohol and drugs leads to significant personality changes. Addicts and alcoholics are prone to antisocial behavior; in pursuit of the next dose
of drugs or alcohol, they may commit crimes, deceive loved ones, and lose their jobs. Gradually, they develop apathy, lose interest in life, and their
motivation to achieve goals decreases.
Social Consequences
Dependence on alcohol and drugs leads to the destruction of families, loss of jobs, worsening financial situations, and social isolation. People suffering
from addiction often find themselves in criminal environments, which exacerbates their situation and leads to even greater problems.
Prevention and Treatment
To prevent addiction to alcohol and drugs, it is important to conduct preventive work aimed at informing the population about the dangers of these
substances. It is also important to create conditions for a healthy lifestyle, support physical activity, and psychological well-being.
Treatment of addiction requires a comprehensive approach, including medical assistance, psychological support, and social rehabilitation. It is important
to seek help in a timely manner and not to face the problem alone.
Additional Aspects
Education and Awareness: Increasing awareness about the risks and consequences of alcohol and drug use through educational programs and
Family and Friends Support: The importance of support from loved ones during the treatment and rehabilitation process.
Development of Self-Control Skills: Teaching methods of stress and emotion management to prevent relapses.
Community Programs: Implementing community-based programs that provide support and resources for individuals struggling with addiction.
Access to Treatment: Ensuring that individuals have access to affordable and effective treatment options for addiction.
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