Equipment Operating Time Fund
To calculate production capacity, it is necessary to determine the equipment operating time fund. These are divided into:
Calendar Time Fund ( Fc ): Reflects the number of calendar hours, days, shifts, etc., in a year.
Regular (Nominal) Time Fund (Fr): Takes into account the operating mode of the enterprise (the number of
possible working days, shifts, etc.).
Effective (Planned, Actual) Time Fund (Fef): Calculated based on the operating time fund, taking into account
time losses for maintenance, planned stops for repairs, and other necessary work.
In the case of a continuous production process, the calendar fund is equal to the operating time fund:
Fc = Fr
When the production process is not continuous, the operating (nominal) time fund is calculated according to the following formulas:

DC - Number of calendar days per year.
24 - Number of hours per day.
DW - Number of working days per year.
TS - Average duration of one shift, taking into account the operating mode of the enterprise.
N - Number of shifts per day.
DOFF - Number of days off per year.
DSHORT - Number of days with a reduced duration (e.g., before holidays).
TSHORT - Number of hours by which such a day is reduced.
Effective Fund of Equipment Operating Time
The effective (planned, actual) fund of time (Fef) is calculated based on the operating fund, taking into account losses of time
for maintenance, planned stops for repairs, and other necessary work.

If a workshop, division, or section consists of heterogeneous equipment, the calculation of the production capacity of
the workshop based on the productivity of the equipment is determined by the following formula:

- P – Production capacity of the workshop, section, etc.
- n – Number of equipment units.
- PEF – Annual effective fund of work of a unit of equipment, hours.
- R – Productivity of a unit of equipment (production rate, machine time).
Such a complication of the formula arises due to the fact that different types of equipment require different maintenance regimes
and different quantities and durations of current scheduled repairs.
Calculation of production capacity |
Описание курса
| Costs and financial result of activities