Список предметов
Average headcount and staff turnover
25 / 49

Economics Problems with Solutions on Labor Statistics

In this lesson:

  • Problem 1: Determine the average number of employees
  • Problem 2: Determine the average number of employees by quarters and for the year
  • Problem 3: Determine employee turnover and employee retention rate

Problem 1: Determine the Average Number of Employees

Given the following data on the number of workers at an enterprise that started operating on March 15:
the total number of worker attendances and absences in March was 15,810 person-days.
The average number of workers for April - May was 1,650 people, for June - 1,810 people, for July - September - 1,680 people, for October - December - 1,570 people.
Determine the average number of workers for March, for the first and second quarters, for the first and second half-years, and for the reporting year.


  1. Determine the average number of employees for March:
  2. 15,810 / 31=510 people
  3. Determine the average number of employees for the first quarter:
  4. 510 / 3=170 people
  5. Determine the average number of employees for the second quarter:
  6. ( 1650 + 1650 + 1810) / 3 = 1703 people
  7. Determine the average number of employees for the first half-year:
  8. ( 510 + 1650 + 1650 + 1810 ) / 6 = 937 people
  9. Determine the average number of employees for the second half-year:
( 1680×3 + 1570×3 ) / 6 = 1625 people

Problem 2: Determine the Average Number of Employees by Quarters and for the Year

A seasonal enterprise started operating on May 17. The number of employees on the list was (people):

  • May 17 - 300;
  • May 18 - 330;
  • May 19 - 350;
  • May 20 - 360;
  • From May 21 to 31 - 380;
  • From June 1 to December 31 - 400.

Determine the average number of employees in May, for the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th quarters, and for the year.


  1. Determine the average number of employees for May:
  2. ( 300 + 330 + 350 + 360 + 380×11 ) / 31 ≈ 178 people
  3. Determine the average number of employees for the second quarter:
  4. ( 0 + 178 + 400 ) / 3 ≈ 193 people
  5. Determine the average number of employees for the third and fourth quarters:
  6. 400 people
  7. Determine the average number of employees for the year:
( (0+0+0) + (0+178+400) + (400+400+400) + (400+400+400) ) / 12 ≈ 248 people

Problem 3: Determine Employee Turnover and Employee Retention Rate

Determine employee turnover by hiring, employee turnover by termination, overall employee turnover, and employee retention rate based on the enterprise's data on the number of employees for the reporting year. The data is presented in the table below.

Indicators Values
Average number of employees 4000
Workers 3040
Engineers and Technical Staff (ETS) 440
Office Staff 280
Junior Service Staff 240
Hired during the reporting year 300
ETS 27
Office Staff 15
Junior Service Staff 18
Terminated during the reporting year 350
Workers 255
ETS 35
Office Staff 32
Junior Service Staff 28


  1. Find the employee turnover rate by hiring:
  2. Kturnover by hiring = number of hired employees during the period / average number of employees during the period
    Kturnover by hiring = 300 / 4000 = 0.075
  3. Find the employee turnover rate by termination:
  4. Kturnover by termination = number of terminated employees for any reason during the period / average number of employees during the period
    Kturnover by termination = 350 / 4000 = 0.0875
  5. Find the overall employee turnover rate:
  6. Koverall turnover = ( number of hired employees during the period + number of terminated employees for any reason ) / average number of employees during the period
    Koverall turnover = ( 300 + 350 ) / 4000 = 0.1625
  7. Find the employee retention rate:
Kretention = number of employees who worked in the company throughout the year / average number of employees

To find the number of employees who worked the entire year, subtract the number of terminated employees from the average number of employees.
Given that the number of those hired was smaller, and those hired were hired for the same positions that were vacated, we do not take this data into account.

Kretention = ( 4000 − 350 ) / 4000 = 3650 / 4000 = 0.9125

 Labor intensity of the production program | Описание курса | Payroll administration