Список предметов
Wage Fund Management
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Wage Fund Management

The responsibility of the financial service of an enterprise lies not only in managing financial flows and the overall
economics of the business but also in managing individual elements that affect the business.

One of the important aspects of business management is the management of the payroll fund (PF) at the enterprise.
The person who controls and manages the payroll fund at the enterprise manages not only specific amounts paid
to employees but also influences the labor relations between the enterprise and employees, while also being an

The decisions made in this case directly affect the state of the labor incentive system, labor productivity, and
the relationship between the enterprise administration and the staff. Therefore, the management of the payroll fund
requires a highly qualified manager and an understanding of the responsibility for the decisions made.

Key Influences of Wage Fund Management

The person managing the wage fund of the enterprise directly influences:

  • Cost of goods, works, services
  • Costs of maintaining the enterprise
  • Financial flows (in terms of use for wages)
  • Relationships between the administration and the staff
  • Incentive system and internal motivation of employees

As is known, the basis of any business is people. Thus, managing this aspect of the business is one of the key responsibilities. The manager who has taken on the responsibilities of managing the wage fund at the enterprise must understand the responsibility assigned to them.

Control Zones in Wage Fund Management at the Enterprise

For the successful implementation of tasks related to wage fund management at the enterprise, it is necessary to control and actively influence:

  • Collective labor agreement
  • Number of personnel
  • Staffing schedule
  • Internal labor regulations
  • Working time fund
  • Average wage level
  • Working time accounting system
  • System of labor norms and standards
  • System of wages for employees of various professions and specialties
  • Employee incentive system
  • System of additional incentives and social benefits

Each of the listed points has a significant impact on the formation of the wage fund and the expenditure of enterprise resources. The main task is the effective use of available resources in the interests of the business.

Importance of Effective Wage Fund Management

Omissions in the course of wage fund management can have an extremely negative impact on the results of the enterprise. Moreover, the connection between these events is not always obvious and is often broken in time. Therefore, detecting and eliminating such omissions is a task that is almost more difficult than simply rational management of the wage fund.

Additional Aspects of Wage Fund Management

  1. Market Analysis: Continuous monitoring of the labor market to determine competitive wage levels.
  2. Budget Planning: Developing and controlling the budget for wages, considering all possible expenses.
  3. Performance Evaluation: Regular assessment of the effectiveness of the wage system and its impact on employee productivity.
  4. Training and Development: Investing in the training and development of personnel to enhance their skills and motivation.
  5. Social Programs: Implementing social programs and additional benefits to increase employee loyalty.

Effective management of the wage fund is a key factor in the successful operation of the enterprise, as it directly affects employee motivation, productivity, and the overall financial health of the company.


 Payroll administration | Описание курса | Operational time